We all like convenience but the hard truth is that excessive waste is an immense problem within the personal care industry. The good news is that many companies are on board to help us live a zero-waste lifestyle!
However, it’s not always easy or affordable to go all in at once. A good idea is to pick a few things to ditch and switch each month so that it’s not overwhelming or expensive. And then throughout the month be mindful about how you consume (and discard of) products to help you decide what to swap out next.
One example of an easy and affordable item to ditch and switch is your disposable makeup removing wipes/cotton pads. Think about your daily routine.
How many pads/wipes do you go through? Let’s just say you use two per day, that’s 14 each week, doesn’t seem like much, right? How about 730 a year? Imagine 730 pads in a pile in the corner. Think about your neighbor’s in that pile too maybe add your mom’s, grandma’s, aunt’s, sister’s…it adds up quick! Between the waste of the cotton and the plastic packaging, it’s easy to see how this tiny single-use product can quickly make a negative impact on the environment when used by many people.
And it’s not just the waste, according to the World Wildlife Fund, it takes 20,000 liters of water to produce one kilogram of cotton. Some experts contend that cotton is the largest user of water among all agricultural commodities. It doesn’t just use a lot of water, we’ve not even touched on the all the pesticides, the pollution the chemicals produced by cotton not grown organically can produce.
10% of all agricultural chemicals used around the world are used by the cotton industry. Swapping out your cotton rounds/makeup wipes is a small way you can help out and do your part. Maybe you’re not into sustainable living, that’s okay, we won’t judge…but do you like saving money? Think about the amount of money spent on single use disposable beauty products you could save each year!
Our brand new reusable eco-friendly bamboo makeup pads are a great solution, you save money and make less waste! They are made of natural bamboo fiber and organic cotton. And because they are organic, there are no pesticides used in the production of the material. You can feel good putting them on your skin. They are great to use taking off your makeup or when applying toner and your other favorite products.
They feel so luxurious against your skin! They are soft and lint free, suitable for all skin types, and good for up to 500 uses! They’re durable, aren’t too absorbent and are really easy to clean. It saves you money in the long run and is an easy way to feel a bit better about your impact on the world. It’s a small step toward a sustainable lifestyle you can feel good about.

Pro Tip
If you want to throw them in the laundry for easy cleaning, simply put the rounds in a mesh bag and toss them in with your light colored clothes or linens on warm wash. Remember to use a gentle detergent (preferably fragrance free) and we recommend not using fabric softener or bleach. Allow the pads to air dry flat and you are ready to use them again and again! The mesh bag will ensure none of your pads run off with a sock and will keep them looking great for longer.

❑ Start with a non-toxic cleansing soap, Face Cleansing Oil (coming soon) or face wash/toner for your daily morning & evening routine (FREE Cucumber Lemon Toner Recipe)
❑ Sun protection (our sunscreen can be worn directly over our facial cream)
❑ Use a ph-friendly soap for face & body to remove environmental toxins
❑ Want to support our business (please follow us on Facebook & Instagram) and start sharing Sanbe Beauty with your followers